The Arts



"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."


- Thomas Merton


JLSA isn't just an inclusive integrated arts's a lifestyle. There is an art to all that we do and children feel the elation of being safe to create, play, and express themselves in all of our messy, compassionate, and imperfectly beautiful selves. Development of artistic skills, fine and gross motor development as well as an understanding of placement, scale and proportion visually, organically grow organically through an arts program. Students develop graphic logos for their own entrepreneurial ventures and school events, they learn guitar, recorder and play mixed music as well as song performances, dance, film...they experience it all while focused on meaningful projects, exploring nature and academic themes. Exploring the world around and within themselves, our students benefit endlessly from opportunities in the arts.

Visual Arts



Methods include drawing, painting, photography, and larger scale group projects. Students learn about technique as well as art history and visual arts is an opportunity to integrate concepts covered in academic pursuits as well. Students increase fine motor capability, cognitive planning, and enjoy self expression as well as learning to appreciate how others see the world. Graphic design, drawing, painting, mixed media are all part of the arts program at JLSA.




Students learn about technique as well as benefit from movement based learning as an opportunity to integrate concepts covered in academic pursuits as well. Students increase gross motor capability, coordination, while working towards a performance.




Music is a fantastic way to allow our students to express themselves, develop motor skills, and work in a group to be performance ready. During weekly music class students learn to have confidence in their voice, to practice protection and intonation and to have exposure and gain knowledge in a variety of musical genres. Guitar, recorder, mixed band, and singing are all part of our program.





Students practice acting techniques while developing social skills, voice protection, and stage presence. It is an opportunity to build self confidence and benefit from the structure of portraying a character while the creativity of making them your own. Students engage in small scale weekly performances as well as larger rehearsals and community presentations.
