Outdoor Education

JLSA has a one-of-a-kind lake front campus that adjoins hundreds of acres of preserved forest. Being outdoors is a key component to our school program. Students learn in programs immersed in nature-based activities in our outdoor learning spaces. From core science to daily morning hikes, students learn directly from their environment and an appreciation for the world they live in. Students engage in a study with a focus on environmental science lessons outdoors that support our curriculum. An annual boat trip on Jordan Lake is also an opportunity to develop passion and appreciation for the natural world.


Animal Fostering & Educational Programs


Students participate in caring for resident chickens, cats and developing pollinator gardens at school. Students benefit from a Bee Keeping Course with Mr. Keith Stillman, wildlife rescue with CLAWS, and fostering cats for C.A.R.E.




Our hands on learning program encourages students at Jordan Lake School of the Arts to learn, expand, and care for their school environment through daily activities as well as learning to produce and complete an annual group project from concept to realization. Students maintain hiking trails, build and plant raised gardens, create outdoor classrooms and more. Through working as a team, students develop a strong work ethic, an investment in the school community, and a real world means of applying educational concepts and social skills in organic situations.


Community Workshops


Students benefit from working with successful artists, increasing not only their abilities, but providing them with one-of-a-kind experiences and connectivity to our local community. Each year students celebrate Harvest Day, a fall workshop, where they enjoy painting, working with clay, and storytelling. Students also have a spring workshop in varying mediums determined each year through an arts grant awarded by Jordan Lake School of the Arts. We encourage local artists to visit our Community Fundraising page for additional information. Some past recipients include Yoma Yoga, Paperhand Puppet Intervention, and photographer Mary Berridge.


At Jordan Lake School of the Arts, we love originality, and you see it in all that we do…including our programs. Nature, the arts, and hands on experiential learning are important aspects of a whole child approach to education. Paired with a strong core curriculum, these programs help provide students with an opportunity to develop flexible thinking, problem solving, and group work skills.



Social Gatherings

At JLSA we like to get together. From our annual graduation party to parent dinners out...we know the value of being with people who are accepting, supportive and like to laugh. We celebrate life's moments and find reasons to do it together. Everyone is always invited, without having to be said. Nobody has more fun.




Students gain valuable experience through the trademarked LegoFest® program. Legofest® has created a unique hands-on program that addresses core curriculum components but also assists students to use problem solving and open-ended thinking as well as including math, science, and engineering activities. A sense of teamwork as well as developing innovative thinking capabilities, self- confidence, and fine and gross motor abilities.


Annual Adventures

Every year we spend a day boating on Jordan Lake, having a field day, Senior Skip Day and also taking a field trip somewhere in the Triangle. The last day of school always includes the beloved teacher's vs students water balloon battle.


